
Lecture by prof. M. Pisarska-Jamroży - Repetitive Late Pleistocene soft-sediment deformation (pdf) - (PL version) - April 2021

Lecture by prof. L. Marksa – The Status, division and lower boundary of the Quaternary – (PL version) – November 2009.

Polish principles of classification and terminology of stratigraphic Quaternary – Second edition, revised, edited by Leszek Marks, Andrzej Ber and Leszek Lindner, the Committee of Quaternary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences in 2014.

Lake Gościąż, central Poland. A monographic study. Part 1 - the book available online on-line on the website of the W. Szafer Institute of Botany PAS in Kraków.

Lake Gosciaz, central Poland.